Daughter of Smoke & Bone Wiki

Brimstone's shop is a portal from Eretz to Earth. Human hunters go there to trade Brimstone teeth for wishes.


Brimstone's shop is a dark workshop with doorways that lead all over the world. To enter the shop, one must knock because the door must be opened from within. One can enter through doorways all over the world and all end in the threshold. Karou grew up in the shop, where she learned about teeth and later began running errands for Brimstone. Issa is the guardian of the threshold. Yasri serves as Brimstone's cook. Kishmish is his messenger and Twiga is his assistant.

If one opens the door located in Prague, it reveals a mildewed laundry room. But if the door is opened from within, it leads to the shop's threshold. The threshold is a small vestibule no bigger than a closet. The outer door of the vestibule has to seal completely before the inner one can be opened. All but Karou must submit to wearing one of Issa's snakes around their neck before entering the shop. There are many reasons why traders prefer to not come to the shop. Some have lost the privilege through misbehavior, others haven't been vetted yet, but many are simply too afraid to submit to the serpent collars. A slight wave of nausea happens upon crossing the threshold into the shop as a result of the portal.

Brimstone's shop is a "windowless clutter of shelves that look like some kind of tooth fairy's dumping ground."[1] There are teeth collected in bins and apothecary chests, strung in garlands that drape from hooks, and sealed in hundreds of jars. The ceiling is vaulted like a crypt. Small things scurry in the shadows. They're creatures of disparate parts, such as scorpion-mice, gecko-crabs, and beetle-rats. Lamps sway from copper chains. Twiga's work area is in one corner. The kitchen nook is Yasri's domain. To the left, behind a huge oak desk, is Brimstone. Kishmish's usual place is on his master's right horn. Before living on her own in the human world, Karou had a little cot tucked behind the tall bookcases in the back of the shop. Behind Twiga's workspace is a second door. Karou has never been allowed to see what's behind it.

Brimstone's shop is destroyed, and Brimstone is murdered, by Akiva and his fellow seraphim. The doorways are also destroyed, with nothing but a scorched black handprint left behind.


  • The portal in Manhattan is a boarded-up door of an abandoned building in the East Village.

