Daughter of Smoke & Bone Wiki

Lisseth is a Naja, a type of chimaera with a snake's aspects.


Lisseth is twice Issa's weight. She's thick as a python, bull-necked, and burly; yet still deadly quick and equipped with venomous fangs. Thanks to Karou, she also has bat wings, despite Naja not normally being winged. Unlike Issa, she doesn't wear snakes around her body for clothes. As a revenant, she has hamsas. She speaks in a hiss-accented voice.


Lisseth is not kind, instead she's monstrous. She dislikes Karou and doesn't trust her. She mocked Karou because she was not chimaera and flashed her hamsas at Liraz and Akiva to cause them pain for fun.


Lisseth and Nisk are both strict followers of Thiago. They are his lieutenants and know him very well.


Days of Blood & Starlight[]


Dreams of Gods & Monsters[]




Nisk and Lisseth are partners.

Memorable Quotes[]

"Pray you never do,” added Lisseth helpfully when Orit taunted.

“So worried,” she said in a nasty hiss. “Are you chimaera, or are you human?”

Lisseth. Or, as Karou now liked to think of her: future enjoyer of curd. It took every ounce of her self-restraint not to turn, look the Naja in the face, and say, “Moo.”
