Daughter of Smoke & Bone Wiki
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Thiago is a wolf-aspect chimaera who is the firstborn son of the Warlord. Upon his father's death, Thiago becomes the general of the chimaera rebels. His gonfalon, or banner, displays a wolf with the words "victory and vengeance."


Thiago, as a Hartkind, was originally stag-headed like his father. However, his soul was resurrected into a muscular body of high-human and wolf aspect that was made to his own specifications.

His current body is youthful, in its prime, powerful, and beautiful. Despite his age, his face still resembles that of a handsome young man with striking ice-blue eyes. His shoulders are straight, full, and strong. His appearance is human at a glance, but beast in the details. A carnal human smile reveals sharp cuspids. His broad, strong hands resemble paws with fur on their backs and are tipped in black claws protruding from human-like fingers. Thiago's legs transition at mid-thigh from human to the furred haunches of a wolf, complete with canine feet and black claws. He's handsome, both rugged and refined, with an undertone of the wild. A healed slash cleaves one of his eyebrows and spiders up into his hairline. Another healed scar interrupts the edge of his jaw and jags down his neck. The palms of his hands are marked with hamsas, revealing his status as a revenant.

As his nickname suggests, Thiago has long white hair, white down on his chest, and white wolf fur. He gathers his silken white hair loosely back and ties it with a twist of leather. He is clean-shaven. He also wears white clothing, in order to provide "a canvas for the blood of his victims."[1] He is always pristine regardless of his environment.


Thiago is a very strong warrior, but very arrogant. Thiago has always been larger than life. He appears elegant and cool. He has a fetish for "purity" and for high-human aspect, both of which are hypocritical. Karou often notes the coldness and cruelty expressed in his eyes. He is shown to be manipulative, telling Karou that the chimaera in the kasbah will grow to like her, while lying to the chimaera by saying that Karou, as Madrigal, told the secret of resurrection to Akiva. He claims everything as his to do with as he wishes until he seizes the next and better thing. He also claims he will have a throne in Astrae and seraphim for slaves at the end of the war. Thiago is an eloquent megalomaniac. He speaks in a manner that conveys absolute authority and without a second's concern with how his decisions will be received.

Thiago is an expert in military tactics from years of warfare between chimera and seraphim. His soul is hundreds of years old and has endured endless war and deaths. This has fractured him. He is shown to be quite intelligent although rather narrow-minded since he refuses to accept an alliance between the Misbegotten and chimera rebels, despite Karou's pleas and knowing the chimera are horribly outnumbered.

Thiago is a soldier's solder. His troops worship him and would do anything for him. He is completely focused on battle, and is most at home in a campaign tent. Thiago loses control of himself when roused, in battle or sexually, earning him the title "The Berserker." His trademark is to tear out the throat of his opponent with his teeth. He's never been one to stay back in safety and send others to die. His fearlessness spreads like wildfire in a battle. Ziri describes him as someone who "might have forgotten there were folk in the world who weren't soldiers, or any cause left but killing."[2] He is able to come across as utterly sincere and understanding, while actually manipulating others to do what he wants.


Thiago was originally Hartkind, like his father, the Warlord, but ordered that Brimstone make him a body that was wolf in aspect, to his own specifications. Thiago has been resurrected at least six times, and has had several wives before expressing interest in Madrigal. Thiago has commanded the chimaera in battle long enough to have earned a reputation as "architect of impossible victories."


Daughter of Smoke & Bone[]

Thiago was recently killed in battle when Karou stumbles across his body in the cathedral-like space underneath Brimstone's shop. He attacks Karou when he wakes up, demanding to know who she is. Before he can do any more harm to her, he is wrenched off of her by Brimstone.

It turns out that Thiago desired Madrigal and was going to claim her until she met Akiva. Angry at her rejection of him for a seraph, Thiago personally makes sure that Akiva is tortured and that Madrigal gets the proper punishment for her treason, evanescence.

Days of Blood & Starlight[]

After finding Karou in the remains of Loramendi, Thiago makes her the new resurrectionist. When Karou realizes that he has been pretending to be kind, but has nursed a grudge against her for choosing Akiva over himself, he tries to stop her and a group of other chimaera rebels from joining her rebellion for peace. He kills those chimaera and attempts to rape Karou, but dies when she stabs him in the neck. His soul is then lost to evanescence when Ziri sacrifices his body to lead the chimaera while pretending to be Thiago.

Dreams of Gods & Monsters[]

Ziri continues to impersonate Thiago to help Karou try to find a peaceful way to end the war. As Thiago, Ziri convinces the chimaera rebels to join forces with the Misbegotten to eliminate the new emperor, Jael. Karou often notes how different Thiago's body looks in comparison to the two beings' control over it. Thiago had a definite air of cruelty and rigidness while Ziri is soft and looks full of wonder.



Thiago sought out Madrigal to be his partner because she was "pure," meaning she had never been resurrected. When he lets it be known that he wants to take her as his next wife, Madrigal neither accepts nor rejects him outright. However, her subsequent relationship with Akiva makes it obvious she is not interested in Thiago. One of the reasons Thiago was so angry at Madrigal and had her publicly executed was because she not only rejected him, she rejected for an angel, an even worse slight. He never takes into consideration that Madrigal may not want to be with him.


Karou dislikes Thiago and fears him. When Thiago attacks her and attempts to rape her, it's implied that Thiago targets her face deliberately so everyone would know what he did. Karou is well aware that the only reason Thiago hasn't killed her for the second time is because she's the only resurrectionist.

Even with Ziri's control over the body, Karou still feels extreme discomfort being within proximity of Thiago's body after his attempted rape. She has to stifle the urge to reveal her trauma whenever his body is near her. Ziri tries to keep a respectful distance from her, sensing her discomfort.

The Warlord[]

The Warlord is Thiago's father, although no emotional connection is shown between them. The Warlord found his son's decision to refuse to stay back in safety to be completely reckless for a leader.

Memorable Quotes[]

  • "This gown, is it cut from shadow? I can hardly feel it between my fingers."


  • He is referred to as "my lord" by the other chimaera.
  • Thiago carries a sword in one hand and an ax in the other on the battlefield.



  1. Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Chapter 59, pg. 408
  2. Days of Blood & Starlight: Chapter 26